Our Vision

Our vision emerges from the realization that there are not reliable neural markers to confirm the diagnosis of many neurological conditions. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of the visible symptoms as well as the comorbidity with other disorders make their diagnosis challenging in many cases.
As a consequence, there is a high rate of erroneous assessments: if patients are diagnosed as false positives, unnecessary pharmacological treatment might be given to healthy subjects; on the other hand, in the case of false negatives, subjects that need treatment will not be cared for, which might lead to academic failure and/or social life dysfunction for the patients and their environments.

At Bitsphi, we envision a future where healthcare professionals can enhance their diagnostic capabilities by utilizing direct and objective measurements of cognitive function tailored to the unique brain connectivity patterns of each individual.
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Funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU

This company is capitalized by Innvierte, an investment program of CDTI.